
The Big Catch Up

So there are a lot of other things we have done, and like to do ... but I am not going to blog about each event separately. So here is a quick...ok maybe not so quick, rundown in no particular order:

1. Visit from Lani! Memorial weekend 2011 my best friend from high school came to visit! I really miss her so much and it was so good to spend time with her! I wish we lived by each other, but I am so glad for the chances we have to get together. When we both turn 30 we are going skydiving. She's that kind of an awesome friend!

2. Hiking! One thing I love to do in the summer is hike. I really love trees and water, so if I am hiking around both I am happy! Luckily I have Brittney or Dennis to come with me. These pictures are all hiking around Mt. Timpanogos.
Brittney and I have done this hike quite a few times, it is really pretty (for Utah). We have gotten lost, injured, laughed at, and had all kinds of adventures on the trail to the summit. 

I finally talked Dennis into doing this hike. Since the summit he had avoided doing this particular hike again, but I think he liked it!

Hiking to Stewart Falls right before Devin's mission

A nice day in April, but still not spring in the mountains. Stewart Falls trail.

3. Alpine Loop. Last fall Dennis and I took a drive through the Alpine Loop to enjoy the fall colors. Its so close, and since I love trees, its nice to take a drive and see so many!

4. Valentine's Day. I am not a very sentimental person and have never made a very big deal out of Valentine's day. This year I got a bit more creative by using an idea similar to this. It turned out pretty well. I told Dennis all I wanted was my car washed and a spot buffered out of it. Well, he totally surprised me by getting my car while I was at school and washing it and buffering out that spot! (well part of it). But the best surprise was yet to come. He made me the best bouquet ever! And yes, he actually made it! He spent hours working on it, and yes, he dipped the strawberries himself! I could not believe it - he is so talented!

5. Visit from Grandma Kostell. In November 2011 Dennis's Grandma came to Utah to spend a few days with her grandchildren here. It was fun. We walked all around Temple Square and took a really loooooong tour of the Conference Center. She is a tough lady! My feet were tired and I was tired of walking around, but she was still going strong! I really hope to be as tough as she is someday! We got to see Dennis's cousin Valerie and her husband Scott. It was a fun weekend! Here are some pictures of the whole gang.

6. Skiing! I love skiing! And luckily now Dennis does too! This past winter the snow was really terrible in Utah, so we only skiied at Mt. Baker, but the winter before we had some awesome powder days at Sundance - and Dennis can ski black diamonds now!

The boys jumping at Mt. Baker

 Bishops Bowl - awesome powder day!
Brittney, Dennis and I skiing at sunny Sundance

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