
Sending Eric Off to New York

We have been so lucky, the past few months we have had so many visits! I just wish we had a bigger home so we would have more room for everyone!

In February my family came to visit right before Eric entered the MTC. He is serving a mission for the LDS church in the New York, New York South Mission, Spanish speaking. To see what he's up to go here. It was a lot of fun having everyone visit - we cramed 7 people into our little home! Somehow our shower never ran out of hot water, it was a miracle! Here are some pictures in front of the Provo MTC.

We missed having Katie, Josh and Eleanor here, but it was sure nice to have everyone else! We had great food, lots of shopping, lots of fun, and great company! Crazy to think we won't have Eric around for two more years, I have already been missing him! But I know he is where he needs to be. Serving the Lord for two years is an awesome sacrifice, I know he will learn and grow so much and I am so proud of him!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful time it was shopping for Eric's mission, taking him to two temples, hanging out with family. You and Dennis were so supportive, especially Dennis when he had to drive dad and I to the MTC with Eric, cause neither of us was fit to drive after we dropped him off, ha ha! Love you guys!
