

So last summer (2012) Devin got home from his mission to the Philippines. We were worried that he would freeze in the 60 degree Washington June weather so we decided to head to Hawaii! Everyone from my family was there and it was wonderful! We just wished we never had to leave! Here are some pictures of our fantastic time in Maui. No Dennis and I don't have a baby - we just want to adopt her! Katie and Josh have the cutest little girl!



  1. Oh, this brings back some of my favorite memories. What a perfect week! I'm so grateful that everyone was able to sacrifice the time and money to make this trip happen. For Devin's sake. And mine! The beauty around us just brought to life the beautiful feelings we share as a family :)

  2. Ahh, I'm so ready for a warm day, and nothing beats Maui for paradise! Wish we all could go do that a couple times in the middle of each winter. And thanks for posting this, Eleanor talks about hawaii all the time, probably because we watch a slideshow of pictures every week or two.
