
2012 Year in Review

aviation school in January (Dennis)
basketball twice a week (Dennis)
camping in the Uintas
dang transmission went out
eric, Andre, and Brittney over for Sunday dinners
family is growing - 2 nieces & a nephew! Baby Afton was born on Easter!
gym with Brittney (Diane)
hawaii vacation with the Schenk family!
i njured in basketball - bite on the cheek (Dennis)
junk food no more (Diane)
keeping a blog (struckslife.blogspot.com)
living in Provo, UT
missing family who is in Washington and Wisconsin
not very much snow for skiing last year :(
our church callings: primary teachers RS 1st couselor, assistant clerk
p90x workouts during the summer (Dennis)
quit working for platinum protection - finally! (Dennis)
running half marathons - way more fun than fulls! (Diane)
summitted Mt. Baker (Diane)
teaching Health at Centennial Middle School (Diane)
uVU graduate! Bachelors degree in Political Science (Dennis)
volleyball games each week - I love city leagues! (Diane)
washington summer trip - spent time with both families
xtra blessed this year
yelling and cheering at BYU games
zzzzz.... need a lot more!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute and clever Diane! What a fun way to share your whole year in a few short phrases. Love it!
