
Box Canyon

On our way home from Manti, we decided to do a hike. Not knowing the area, we looked up a hike online, and chose one. We ended up driving to practically the middle of nowhere. Miles away from any city, just tons and tons of farms and farmland. It turns out however, the unmarked hike we took, is world famous among rock climbing enthusiasts. From the gravel road we parked on, we had no idea what we would be seeing. We ducked under a few braches, and on the otherside we found ourselves in an incredibly unique canyon. The place where God invented masonry work.

An enormous boulder fell from the top of the canyon and almost crushed us. Luckily Diane was there to save our lives!
Crazy formations!

The only way to continue the hike was to climb up this waterfall. After seeing several men nearly fall to their death or serious injury, only Dennis was brave enough to try! 
Success! He made it up. There was a really old rope that was bolted into rock to help climbers get up. Once up there. there was another water fall you have to climb to go on. Dennis did that one as well.
If you look closely, you can se tiny people. This gives you an idea of the size of the canyon.

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