
Provo City Center Temple

The Provo Tabernacle was a beautiful building that caught fire recently. Many people in the community were devestated at the loss of this historic builing. When President Monson announced it was going to become a temple we were all so excited! We only live about a mile away, and it has been incredible to begin to watch the transformation take place!


Hiking Rock Canyon with the Strucks

UVU Graduation!

The day finally arrived! Dennis finished his Bachelor's Degree in Political Science back in December, but the graduation ceremony wasn't until Arpril 26th and 27th. Dennis's parents, and Sarah and Wesley came from Washington! We were so excited to see them and it was a lot of fun to have them here. Laura and Clayton and baby Afton came down as well. It was a wonderful weekend!

Day 1: UVU Commencement
It was a wonderful program (not at all boring like I expected it to be). As featured on UVU's blog:
Anousheh Ansari, the first woman of Iranian descent to journey into space and a successful engineer and entrepreneur, was UVU’s featured commencement speaker. Because of exponential change taking place in technology and an ever-shifting society, graduates will have to be “alert, aware and flexible” and use their creativity and personal dreams as a guide for them to confront life’s challenges and opportunities, Ansari said.
“We live in a unique time. Never before have we been given so much individual power. As humans, we have ability to build or to annihilate, to give life or to propagate death,” Ansari said. “As graduates, use your imagination, choose life. There is nothing to be afraid in life. Believe me, as someone who has been in the gutter and been up to the stars. Go after your crazy dreams. Change the world, don’t let the world change you.”
Here are some pictures from that night: 


 Wesley and Afton had put in a long day, and just wanted to be with their moms!

 At Dennis's College Convocation the next day:

 He came home to a wonderful surprise graduation gift from his parents!

 Congratulations on graduation Dennis!

A Visit From Lani and Brody!

Then a few weeks after my family left Lani and Brody came for a visit! I think it was the first time Brody and I had the same spring break. They spent a whole week here - it was so great! They got here the day before Easter and we were worried the Easter Bunny wouldn't know where to find Brody, but he is one lucky guy! I should have turned my flas on for the first picture - oops!

Easter Breakfast - Big Puffy Pancakes!
To start the week off, we went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point - totally cool! I couldn't belive how much they had in there! We spent hours!

 I tried to capture the size of this dinosaur, it was massive!

Later that week, the weather got nicer and we went hiking up Rock Canyon.

We hiked as far as we could before the snow got too deep and we had to turn around. It was perfect hiking weather and such a fun day!
The next day we decided to hike to the Y. Not my favorite hike, but in the begging of April all of the other hiking trails are too snowy so we had very limited options!

 We made it to the Y! That afternoon was so nice so we went to a park and had a BBQ. It was such a fun week! Thanks so much for visiting Lani and Brody!